Hello together,
I'm searching for a solution for this problem:
I want Tabs in my Forum - Okay that's not the Problem, but I want to have a tab which links (opens) the last posts.
The function of the last post should allready be integrated.
I don't have a clue how to handle it.
I hope you can help me. Thanks!
Do you mean tabs in your forum index, and has a tabs for X last posts?
First of all:
Thanks for the answer
I mean for example:
I have tabs for my forums cat_1 in one tab cat_3 in another and so on...
And now i want a additional tab to load the last posts.
Like the MyTabs plugin with loading the last posts in a tab.
If you don't understand i can make a screenshot.
For adding a tab for the lasts posts, it depends on how your tabs works. Too many javascript tabs available out there (if what you mean by the tabs is a javascript tabs), and each scripts has each own method.
For displaying the lasts/latest posts in your forum index (no matter whether it's inside a tab or not), you need a plugin for that. If you already have the plugin, you need to edit the template provided by the plugin (again, it depends on how your tabs works).
Ah okay I thought I could handle it with the inbuild last posts that's also used in the Portal!?...
Do you know any plugin like this. I only found something that has a reload with ajax ant is not what I'm searching for.
My other idea was the inbuild last posts fprom ProPortal, but I don't think that i can extranct it so easily.
Have you a tip for me?
Edit: i also could to it with prostats maybe...
Have you got a link to a good and working Tab System?
If you're familiar with the template system and the Javascript used for the tabs, it may be possible to stick one of those latest posts plugins' output into a tab.
The only Problem i have is, which Tabs i will implement.
Had in the past some problems with it.
Have you got a sugesstion for me, because the Tab System should Be not As slow As some of them are...
Which tabs system you used in the past?
I used mytabs and another self implemented Tab-System which had not a specific name.
Are you using jQuery in your forum?