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Full Version: using checkboxes.
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I have, what I think is a straightforward requirements.

I am using a thread to track the progress of a project, so, I have added a bunch of checkboxes that you can fill in when adding a new thread eg.

paid for
etc etc tec

I would like to be able to do two things

In the main list of threads somehow represent this list in a way so that you can see on that screen straight off the progress of the project, maybe those completed(those ticked) in green and those not(not ticked) in red(thread) eg

Thread Title = blah blah blah

paid for

etc etc tec

I would want the same to be viewable when you click into that thread as well.

Im at a bit of a loss as to where to start..
(07-29-2011 08:43 AM)thegrape Wrote: [ -> ]In the main list of threads somehow represent this list in a way so that you can see on that screen straight off the progress of the project, maybe those completed(those ticked) in green and those not(not ticked) in red(thread) eg
Just need template variables, eg {$GLOBALS['threadfields']['progress']} placed in the right places (probably forumdisplay_thread and showthread templates).
The colouring can be done using the format map list.

I would imagine a progress field would be more suitable as option buttons or a select box rather than check boxes though.
I may be being stupid but is there some documentation for all the different variables and how they will appear?
Most of the "documentation" is within the various AdminCP pages.
Try adding/editing a thread field and read the description for "Key" - it explains how to use the variable.
If you want to know about the various features, just the the various descriptions on that page.  In particular, you may be interested in the Display Format and Formatting Map List options.
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