This page lists metrics collected by phploc and phpcpd (default settings) on various MyBB plugins. The focus here is on larger plugins (>1000 lines of code) to demonstrate some (maybe interesting) stats on these plugins. Please note that this is by no means an exhaustive list (in fact, I just randomly selected a few that looked large).

Also, please take note of the following regarding these metrics:

  • Metrics alone do not imply plugin complexity, or effort required to make it, although there may be some weak correlation here
  • Metrics collected here are only of .php files. Javascript/CSS and other files are ignored in these. (this point may understate the size of the plugin)
  • Metrics include data code (ie added templates which are specified in a .php file); plugins which export this data to a "data blob file" will not have this data included in the metrics
  • These metrics also include any code from libraries that the plugin uses (this point may overstate the size of the plugin)
  • Metrics are calculated based on the uploaded content supplied in the download package - that is, scripts outside the primary "upload" folder are ignored. This will include all plugin modules/add-ons that are included by default.
See also: discussion thread.

Plugin Metrics
PluginFilesSize (KB)Code LinesClassesMethodsFunctionsDuplicatesDupe Lines
Undo Delete 1.2.1148.301,256003000
Its My Birthday! 2.2363.091,438001800
Soft Delete 1.23672.171,440005200
MyShoutbox 1.4564.141,6540023349
Thank You/Like System 1.26107.482,9200021363
Help Center 1.54128.332,9520018116
MyBB Advanced Portal 7784.313,120001800
MyNetwork Core 1.0.012124.423,1973153200
NewPoints Shop 1.4693.373,908004617
ezGallery 1.0.75142.273,94900644287
MyAchievements 1.415180.253,9590018461
NewPoints 1.719198.734,222007200
MyDownloads 1.813227.744,7290023377
MySupport 0.44210.634,860005400
Google SEO 1.1.1320134.545,6480012600
XThreads 1.33716291.145,93451914600
MyBBPublisher 1.426273.219,6305863842114
MyTracker 1.0.238388.8610,585141047271
MyPlaza 0.5331549.4312,79234833200
Game Section 1.238541.9613,5081536295
MyPlaza Turbo 0.3.0491,022.2222,44734851321433

Info Displayed Columns
Files: Number of .php files reported by phploc.
Size: Total size of .php files.
Code Lines (non-dupe): Code Lines minus Dupe Lines.
Code Lines (non-MyBB-dupe): Code Lines minus Dupe Lines (+MyBB).
Cyclomatic Complexity: See Wiki article (mostly relevant for writing test cases, but not so relevant for MyBB plugins as there isn't really a good framework for writing test cases)
Code Lines/All Functions: Code lines divided by the number of methods+functions.
Duplicates: Number of duplication instances reported by phpcpd.
Duplicates (+MyBB): Same as above, but when combined with the MyBB 1.6.0 script (this will show code copied from MyBB itself).