Requirement: XThreads
We will try to create a simple MyCodes Database using XThreads.
Create or edit a forum with these settings:
- Template Prefix: mcde_
- Enable XThreads' Inline Forum Search: Yes
- Allow Blank Post Message: Yes
- Custom WOL Text:
- Forum Display:
- New Thread:
- New Reply:
- Show Thread:
Probably we need to set the forum permission.
Create a Custom Thread Fields with these settings:
AdminCP -> Configuration -> Custom Thread Fields
- Textbox for Short Description:
- Title: Short Description
- Key: mcdedesc
- Applicable Forums: 'select our MyCodes Database forum'
- Input Field Type: Textbox
- Editable by / Required Field?: Everyone (required)
- Display Order: 1
- Textbox for Regular Expression:
- Title: Regular Expression
- Key: mcdere
- Applicable Forums: 'select our MyCodes Database forum'
- Input Field Type: Textbox
- Editable by / Required Field?: Everyone (required)
- Display Order: 2
- Display Format:
- Multiline Textbox for Replacement:
- Title: Replacement
- Key: mcderep
- Applicable Forums: 'select our MyCodes Database forum'
- Input Field Type: Multiline Textbox
- Editable by / Required Field?: Everyone (required)
- Display Order: 3
- Display Format:
- Multiline Textbox for Example:
- Title: Example
- Key: mcdeex
- Applicable Forums: 'select our MyCodes Database forum'
- Input Field Type: Multiline Textbox
- Editable by / Required Field?: Everyone (required)
- Display Parsing: Use MyBB Parser
- MyBB Parser Options: Check all except the Allow HTML.
- Display Order: 4
- Display Format:
Create new templates in Global Template.
Admin CP -> Templates & Style -> Templates -> Global Templates:
- mcde_forumdisplay_thread
- mcde_forumdisplay_threadlist
- mcde_postbit_first
- mcde_postbit_first_classic
That's our simple MyCodes Database
Additional Info:
- The MyCode Result will be "generated automatically" if we have the MyCode installed on our forum.
- If we don't want the Regular Expression and the Replacement to be selectable, remove the javascript and the button from its Display Format. I get the javascript from the internet. I don't have any knowledge about it

- The templates above based on MyBB 1.6.3
- Please tell me if there is something wrong with the example application above. I'm still learning.
- Postbit - Postbit Classic
- Preview Post
- Thread List