I wrote this quite a while ago, and it was crap.
Decided to fix a few issues with this, so somewhat started this again.
Basically this adds AJAX quick replying to your MyBB 1.2x boards.
MyBB 1.4 has AJAX quick reply, but meh...
For those with older versions of this plugin, this version requires no code edits, and will work in IE (and fixes a number of other glitches/bugs).
One thing with IE however - Microsoft, being very annoying, has some very silly logic, which causes this not to work properly. This uses a little hack to get around MS's silly restriction, however, there's some side effects:
- After posting a quick reply, the edit menus of the posts above work. (quick edit of the post which was just made, still works)
- Inline moderation seems to go weird.
These issues are purely Javascript, so a page refresh will always fix it. Plus, these only exist in Internet Explorer.
Just upload to the appropriate locations and activate.
Known Issues
This plugin will not work with Tikitiki's Double Post Auto Merger plugin.
ajaxqr121.zip (Size: 7.2 KB / Downloads: 1295)
v1.21: Fixed template issue and signature checkbox issue.
Old Releases
ajaxqr12.zip (Size: 7.17 KB / Downloads: 1008)