Last Updated:
7 October 2012
This idea based on
Thread Description. But we will use it as a very simple Testimonials Forum
Here is a simple example to do that:
Multiline Textbox for testimonial message (the only custom thread fields in this sample).
Create a Custom Thread Fields with this settings:
- Title: Your Testimonial
- Key: xttes_tes
- Applicable Forums: 'select a forum where we will apply this modification'
- Input Field Type: Multiline Textbox
- Editable by / Required Field?: Everyone (required)
- Display Parsing: Plain text with newlines
Modify it as our needs. Example: if we want users can use BBCode, select Use MyBB Parser (MyCode), and tick some options in MyBB Parser Options setting.
- Display Format:
For displaying this field value, we need to put {$GLOBALS['threadfields']['xttes_tes']} variable in our template.
XThreads Options in Forum settings (the forum in the settings above):
- Template Prefix: xttes_
- Show first post on every showthread page: Yes
- Settings Overrides:
- Setting: Showthread Options -> Post Layout
Value: horizontal
- Allow Blank Post Message: Yes
- Hide Forum: Yes
We need to put this forum URL manually in our template.
- Custom WOL Text:
- Forum Display: Viewing Testimonials
- New Thread: Create A New Testimonial
- New Reply: Commenting <a href="{1}">{2}</a> Testimonial
- Show Thread: Reading <a href="{1}">{2}</a> Testimonial
Create new templates in Global Template:
- Template Name: xttes_editpost_first
- Template Name: xttes_forumdisplay_nothreads
- Template Name: xttes_forumdisplay_sticky_sep
- Template Name: xttes_forumdisplay_thread
- Template Name: xttes_forumdisplay_threadlist
- Template Name: xttes_forumdisplay_threads_sep
- Template Name: xttes_newthread
- Template Name: xttes_postbit
- Template Name: xttes_postbit_first
- Template Name: xttes_showthread
That is the very simple example Testimonials Forum. We can still expand it, like adding Product List, so users can select whether the testimonial is for general testimonial or a testimonial specified for the selected product. We can add other fields like "rate" based on some specified things, like quality, support, and etc. So, users can "rate" our site or product based on those specified things.
The template above based on MyBB 1.4
1. Testimonial "Index":
2. Thread:
3. Newthread/editpost:
Live Demo: