Huji Lee is definitely a really kind person from what I've seen. He does quickly fix the problems I reported and genuinely seems motivated.
Kimi, please don't misunderstand me. I'm not saying you're bad in any way, and I've admitted various concessions on my part. I really do congratulate your position and hope you make great contributions to MyBB.
Okay, I admit, I was over excited when I made this thread. Please forgive me.
Ryan Gordon Wrote:that wouldn't pass my standards (which is very high
I lol'd.
(06-10-2010 06:18 AM)walkman Wrote: Those fucking morons banned my account there only because I expressed my opinion about that joke for a developer.
No offense or anything, but you did kinda ask for it with that comment you made...
Still, lol that you made it

That idiot deserves it.
Anyway, they obviously need designers, since there's nothing really to design as far as I can tell (of course, I don't know any hidden agendas they may have). I'd consider HTML/CSS basic knowledge that all web developers should know. As for Javascript, it's a scripting language just like PHP, and they share a number of syntactical similarities. From what he originally had, he doesn't even understand PHP syntax, so there's practically no hope of him getting Javascript.
And programming/scripting is MUCH more than just understanding syntax...