(07-16-2010 09:50 AM)Technoman Wrote: You were just asking how to stop spiders from indexing your webpages, seems that some of the brats of MyBB were trying to make a fight with you instead of tryign to help you as fellow members. But BOB JANSEN was stating it was your fault
I was backing you up if that clarrifies about my warning given to me from BOB JANSEN.
I think his response there is reasonable.
As for the thread, both sides could've done things to prevent issues spreading, but I think its fair for a moderator to step in and try to prevent a flame war or similar. He didn't say which side was right or not, and as the question was answered, with the OP following up with comments, it's unlikely it would serve terribly much more purpose.
(07-16-2010 02:20 PM)Bob Jansen Wrote: Basically instead of contacting staff technoman and exdiogene created three public threads (duplicating posts) in the MyBB section with a poll asking members to vote if I should be removed or not. Technically the same as this thread. Threads like those are not welcome at the MyBB community forums. If you have any issues with me or any other staff member please contact Management or Ryan Loos but don't go create public threads.
I'm going to find that difficult to swallow. People (generally) don't just randomly attack random staff members for no reason.
What happened
before what you described, and what's your take on their incentive?
(07-16-2010 03:23 PM)Technoman Wrote: Ryan Gordon now theres no escaping the effects of reality here - your - "Team Leadership" is the next big thing that your lacking MR, I wish you best of luck!
Does that point really relate to the discussion here?
Also, try to avoid sweeping statements.