I have produced a very big xthreads forum ... it uses just over 200 thread fields....
I have just a few questions :-
1) how can I revert the field to show in every forum (if I have previously selected a forum for the field) without running a database query ?
2) with this amount of fields it is difficult to keep track of the tab order, I have set them all to 1 in the hope that when displayed they would tab in the order that I got them to display in but in fact they display in the order I added the field ... I guess the answer is to add a tabindex tag to the html in the templates but I was hoping there may be an easier way if I add a few more fields.
3) I need to total some values, I have added a total field after the fields I wish to total and set it's blank value to be something like this
but it does not seem to do it
4) Could you add a field that identifies the fid as well as the tid in the table 'threadfields_data' so I could do some queries on the database to total a value from a forum.