Thx Sama.. I did what u wanted me to... So I edited valign="top" to valig="bottom" in the code below in posbit_classic:
Quote: <td class="{$altbg}" valign="top">
<table width="100%">
<tr><td>{$post['posturl']}<span class="smalltext"><strong>{$post['icon']}{$post['subject']} {$post['subject_extra']}</strong></span>
<br />
<div id="pid_{$post['pid']}" class="post_body">
<div style="text-align: right; vertical-align: bottom;" id="post_meta_{$post['pid']}">
<div id="edited_by_{$post['pid']}">{$post['editedmsg']}</div>
the problem is that it also aligns post message ({$post['message']}) to the bottom... I tried to separate them and give them their specific valign thing but I actually dunno how to sort it out