(08-21-2012 11:12 AM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: Up to you really. I don't think there's any 'friendly' functions for doing this.
If you want to modify global.css, I'd imagine it's just editing it in the DB then updating the cache file (check MyBB's ACP code on how they do it).
PHP Code:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
$query=$db->simple_select('themestylesheets','sid, tid, stylesheet',"name='global.css'");while($theme=$db->fetch_array($query)){$theme['stylesheet'].='/*--content--*/';$db->update_query('themestylesheets',array('stylesheet'=>$db->escape_string(unfix_css_urls($theme['stylesheet'])),'lastmodified'=> TIME_NOW),"sid='{$theme['sid']}' AND tid='{$theme['tid']}'");if(!cache_stylesheet($theme['tid'],'global.css',$theme['stylesheet'])){$db->update_query("themestylesheets",array('cachefile'=>"css.php?stylesheet={$theme['sid']}"),"sid='{$theme['sid']}'",1);}
That seems a better way to go, now what about those who already installed this, I hate upgrade scripts
(08-21-2012 11:12 AM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: That sounds generous, unless the orange is perhaps more brown in colour.
Generally you don't get much (or worthwhile) support for more advanced topics. Basic stuff typically gets answered well enough.
"very" and "orange" were replacements for other words, no really that kind of guy and was very upset when writing it.
The support team should be able to answer this kind of questions, or at least pretend/try to do so, IMO. It is very frustrating to be bumping your threads to the top for days to notice they don't.