I tried deactivating and reinstalling XThreads and realized that the XThread Plugin doesn't cause the URL to parse in the Custom Textarea I created.
This additional plugin is what creates the parsing of HTML in
Custom Profile Fields
Additional Settings For Custom Profile Fields [1.2]
XThreads is required for this plugin
Adds some additional settings for Profile Fields.
Created by XThreads Mania
Now that I understand which plugin does what I'm reinstalling them and making sure I do so in the right order. I've installed Conditionals and XThreads and the customization area for XThreads in where you would expect it. Now I'm going to reinstall and activate the xtpf plugin and see what happens. That has to be where the problem is because that is what in the instructions it says parses the HTML in the
Custom Profile Fields.
I'm also going to test by turning of the site HTML to see if there was possibly a conflict between that and the plugin.
(05-02-2014 10:57 PM)Auriel Kitsu Wrote: I tried deactivating and reinstalling XThreads and realized that the XThread Plugin doesn't cause the URL to parse in the Custom Textarea I created.
This additional plugin is what creates the parsing of HTML in Custom Profile Fields
Additional Settings For Custom Profile Fields [1.2]
XThreads is required for this plugin
Adds some additional settings for Profile Fields.
Created by XThreads Mania
Now that I understand which plugin does what I'm reinstalling them and making sure I do so in the right order. I've installed Conditionals and XThreads and the customization area for XThreads in where you would expect it. Now I'm going to reinstall and activate the xtpf plugin and see what happens. That has to be where the problem is because that is what in the instructions it says parses the HTML in the Custom Profile Fields.
I'm also going to test by turning of the site HTML to see if there was possibly a conflict between that and the plugin.
xtpf plugin is not working in the
Custom Profile Fields like it is supposed to.
Additional Settings For Custom Profile Fields [1.2]