(05-11-2010 11:29 AM)Harry Wrote: One of the BIG negatives of MYBB is how that place is managed. Problem is too many staff connected to stuff outside the mybb forums that really conflicts with the opensource idea which IS what MYBB is supposed to be about. Said it before and i'll say it again. That IS what is holding MYBB back and why PHPBB will ALWAYS have a edge despite MYBB having a superior product. Some think it has to do with being cheap if people have issues with the paid plugins etc. Has zero to do with that ( in my case ) and more to do with how it is a contradiction to be promoting them on a forum that is supposed to be about free/opensource.
The whole paid plugin debacle is perhaps a reason why I don't like contributing to the community. Furthermore, the large majority of paid plugins there are crappy bits of code which probably take at most 30 minutes to write up - many I could probably do in about 5-10 minutes. There are more complicated plugins there, but these are clearly outnumbered (arguably, you could say most of my plugins here are small and simple, which makes sense since larger modules take longer to write), and many of these small bits of code are what sway people over.
Furthermore, often performance and security is overlooked with these paid plugins, and also, this form of restriction affects the amount of criticism that can be made to a crappy piece of code. To give an example, when I was developing MyPlaza, I did bother to scan over labrocca's MYPS plugin, which he was avidly promoting. Within 3 minutes of scanning over the code, I found 2 SQL injection exploits (and I wasn't really looking for any). The plugin used to run queries in loops, which is horrible for performance (I believe this was changed, but I have not examined current versions). Furthermore, the code was horribly indented, there's a lot of duplication of functionality (redundancy is usually a bad thing!) and various things were implemented in absurdly unusual ways. Considering how long it existed before I took a look at the code clearly shows the community's general lack of ability to really understand quality code as opposed to 5 minute crap.
To see others earning from this crap, which is probably being marketed more than it's actually developed, is quite a strong disincentive to really contribute.
Ultimately, I don't care what people do with their own products, but as you said, the fact that it is promoted on the forums,
as well as on the MyBB download page is a disincentive to bother contributing. I can understand the staff wanting to try to promote 3rd party development regardless of it being paid or free, but I think they are really not seeing the big picture and the more subtle implications this is causing.
(05-11-2010 11:29 AM)Harry Wrote: If that doesn't work then maybe MYBB needs to rethink itself with the license etc. However MYBB had that before and well we see how that worked out. Sorry but going halfway is not gonna cut it. Either need to go totally free or totally paid. Halfway will just continue the problems no matter what license the software has. JMHO
That's a bit of a thing to - the general thought process still seems to be in line with the old license. Open source is about being open, but the staff don't seem to be strongly that way.
(05-11-2010 11:29 AM)Harry Wrote: Wanted to add. Make no mistakes about it.. I love MYBB the product and do think the support is great. Sorry if my post offends anyone. It is more of suggestions on what MYBB should do to help with what i think are image problems for the software.
Haha, feel free to say what you want here

I don't really care, as hardly anyone visits and I personally believe in freedom of speech etc (as long as it's reasonable).
Feel free to flame random people if you want