RE: Poll to express opinions concerning Bob Jansen
I totally agree with all what Pirata Nervo have written!
I have been on MyBB forums for a year and i had several bad interactions with the staff using Private Messages when i was a victim of an erroneous thread deletion, because the staff person believed that my thread was not allowed there by the rules and he was wrong because he refered to the rules of another forum...
No need to say that i needed to write many PMs to get at the bottom of it and finally get someone tell me that i was right, but i never got any apologies and never saw any restoration of my thread that took over an hour of work to do. I have simply been told to "rewrite it", the rules were soon changed on that forum to prevent such postings afterward...
I can honestly tell that the final action of staff when they are at fault is to stop communicating with you and/or deleting any references on the forums incriminating them and/or closing a thread were they feel any heat against them.
The most shocking thing about that is that they have the impudence to tell members to resolve staff issues in private when then do not really care to have a mature and constructive conversation up to a logical and good resolution. And contrarely as what they will make believe everyone, the resolution do not have to be exactly what a member would propose, but a good one for the community and not only to save the face of guilty staff members!
I am actually waiting 2 replies from Matt Rogowski about 2 different issues, meantime days are passing and i see him having time to post multiple messages on the forum but not having the time to respond to me. I just hope it is because, in the background, he try to get a good solution to both problems...
Overall most of the staff are a great deception to me, and i will not write names at the moment. But i have to write both messages that MyBB administration sent to the public :
"1: They want to get great sponsors for growing even more in the forum applications world competition and want to look more mature and professionnal."
"2: They do not want any criticism about their staff in public, they will punish or ban the one doing it, they will tell you that they will not get involved in staff problems in PMs, they will tell you that they will not loose their time discussing about staff issues, they continue to hire irresponsible kids in their staff were some of them are quite immature, incompetent and have proven to be thiefs and liars, they let be created and even participate in threads about Eating living human flesh for just the heck of it and many more other aberations threads.".
These two behaviors and messages are totally incompatible together and this is only demonstrating that the administration is not lucid enough to clean up their act and let honestly be MyBB what they want to be.
I really hope that Chris Boulton the "Founder of MyBB" will at some point assume his responsabilities about his staff team and officially write what is the actual philosophical and professional position of the MyBB project. Is it a free for all, funny and ludic project for kids, or is it a growing mature and professional package dedicated mostly for an adult audience.
Meantime all what is happening on their forums are a complete censorhiped farce dominated by kids and administrated by kids having no sense of RESPONSABILITIES and LIABILITY.
Any person hiring or asking to volunteer, under 18 years old, have the responsibility of them as their temporarely tutor in most countries law system. So the adults beeing part of MyBB staff have to consider that they are LIABLE for their actions and have to take any measures to prevent that any arm is comming from them or to them. It seem that with the virtual anonymity inherent with the actual internet, they seem to believe that they are aleviated from these responsabilities but by law and morality they are not!
I really hope that one day, before it is too late for the welfare of the MyBB project, that some people of the staff or administration will try to do some constructive and human corrections to the actual system so all new MyBB user could have the feeling that they are in a responsible, mature and professionnal community, not what we could see for over a year and mostly recently.
My first recommendation would be to get rid of the "chit-chat" section , since it is the one posing the most problems principaly encouraging kids to debate on non related MyBB issues and often ridiculising the MyBB project...
I will stop here because i could write pages and pages, without even knowing if it still worth it. But contrarely to some "Lead" staff members, the wellbeeing of MyBB is more important to me than it is seem to be for them...
(This post was last modified: 07-18-2010 01:22 AM by exdiogene.)