(12-03-2010 08:25 AM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: xthreads_sanitize_disp is a function which parses a value for display purposes (originally it was to sanitize the value for display, hence the name).
I see. It sounds super handy - is there a possibility that you could tell us/show us how it works? It might have a use. Not sure WHAT, but maybe.
(12-03-2010 08:25 AM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: A problem with the tag cloud idea is that XThreads doesn't create an index table for filterable fields, which is why filtering on a field which accepts multiple values (ie tags) is rather slow.
I see. Darn, and it looked so handy in the threadfields_data that every incident of a fields usage was listed. You see, I was hoping to have a little box of tags - nothing flashy with different sizes of text for frequency, just a list, so users could jump to a certain tag set. Sort of like a blog.