Requirement: XThreads
Last Update: 23 August 2011
We will try creating a simple Support Form with XThreads.
The form should depends on what our forum about.
In this example, we will create a form for plugins support.
If we want to make it a specific for our forum, just modify it.
Forum Settings:
Admin CP -> Forums & Posts -> Forum Management -> Add New Forum or Edit Forum
- Template Prefix: xtsupport_
- Language File Prefix: xtsupport_
- Offset forumdisplay {$colspan}: 1
To make it "compatible" with thread rating on/off.
- Allow Blank Post Message: Yes
If there is a simple issue only, probably the user only need to type it in the short description field. So, we set this to Yes.
Because we have a filter systems, maybe we can set the
Default Sort By setting to
Thread creation time. So, it is useless for user to bump their issue.
Create Custom Thread Fields:
Admin CP -> Configuration -> Custom Thread Fields
- Short Description
- Title: Short Description
- Key: sdc
- Description: Short description about this issue
- Applicable Forums: 'select our support forum.'
- Input Field Type: Textbox
- Editable by / Required Field?: Everyone (required)
- Display Format:
- Forum URL
- Title: Forum URL
- Key: sur
- Description: Your forum URL or URL for a specific area where your issue appear.
- Applicable Forums: 'select our support forum.'
- Input Field Type: Textbox
- Editable by / Required Field?: Everyone (required)
- Display Format:
- Text Mask Filter: URI (generic)
- Plugin Issue
- Plugin Version
- Title: Plugin Version
- Key: spv
- Description: What is the plugin version you use?
- Applicable Forums: 'select our support forum.'
- Input Field Type: Textbox
- Editable by / Required Field?: Everyone (required)
- Text Mask Filter: Number (real)
Modify it as our needs.
- Issue Category
- Title: Issue Category
- Key: sgc
- Description: General category of your issue
- Applicable Forums: 'select our support forum.'
- Input Field Type: Listbox
- Field Input Height: 1
- Values List:
- Editable by / Required Field?: Everyone (required)
- Allow Filtering: Yes
- Display Format:
- MyBB Version
- Title: MyBB Version
- Key: smv
- Description: What MyBB version you use?
- Applicable Forums: 'select our support forum.'
- Input Field Type: Listbox
- Field Input Height: 1
- Values List:
- Editable by / Required Field?: Everyone (required)
- Display Format:
- MyBB Knowledge
- Title: MyBB Knowledge
- Key: smk
- Description: Your knowledge about the general usage of MyBB, including HTML and CSS.
- Applicable Forums: 'select our support forum.'
- Input Field Type: Listbox
- Field Input Height: 1
- Values List:
- Editable by / Required Field?: Everyone (required)
- Display Format:
- Clean Installation
- Title: Clean Installation
- Key: sci
- Description: Check this checkbox if you have tried it in a fresh MyBB installation.
- Applicable Forums: 'select our support forum.'
- Input Field Type: Checkboxes
- Values List:
- Editable by / Required Field?: Everyone
- Multiple Value Delimiter:
- Hide Input Field: Yes
- Plugin List
- Title: Plugin List
- Key: spl
- Description: List other plugins you use in your forum, especially if you didn't try it in a clean installation yet.
- Applicable Forums: 'select our support forum.'
- Input Field Type: Multiline Textbox
- Editable by / Required Field?: Everyone
- Display Format:
- Hide Input Field: Yes
- What Have I Done Before
- Title: What Have I Done Before
- Key: swd
- Description: If this worked before, what have you done before this issue appear?
- Applicable Forums: 'select our support forum.'
- Input Field Type: Multiline Textbox
- Editable by / Required Field?: Everyone
- Display Parsing: Use MyBB Parser (MyCode)
- MyBB Parser Options: Check all except Allow HTML.
- Display Format:
- Hide Input Field: Yes
- What I Have Tried To Solve It
- Title: What I Have Tried To Solve It
- Key: swt
- Description: What did you do to solve this issue?
- Applicable Forums: 'select our support forum.'
- Input Field Type: Multiline Textbox
- Editable by / Required Field?: Everyone
- Display Parsing: Use MyBB Parser (MyCode)
- MyBB Parser Options: Check all except Allow HTML.
- Blank Replacement Value:
- Display Format:
- Hide Input Field: Yes
- Private Info
- Title: Private Info
- Key: spo
- Description: If you have any private info needed to include with this issue report, put it here. Only staff can view it. Use this only for private info.
- Applicable Forums: 'select our support forum.'
- Input Field Type: Multiline Textbox
- Editable by / Required Field?: Everyone
- Display Parsing: Use MyBB Parser (MyCode)
- MyBB Parser Options: Check all except Allow HTML.
- Display Format:
- Viewable by Usergroups: Administrators, Super Moderators, Moderators.
Modify it as our needs.
- Unviewable Value:
- Hide Input Field: Yes
- Issue Status
This is for mark a thread/issue as solved issue. We also have a custom moderator tools to mark thread(s) as solved (see Custom Moderator Tools section)
- Title: Issue Status
- Key: sis
- Description: Please edit this status if your issue has been solved.
- Applicable Forums: 'select our support forum.'
- Input Field Type: Listbox
- Field Input Height: 1
- Values List:
- Editable by / Required Field?: Everyone (required)
- Allow Filtering: Yes
- Formatting Map List:
- Value: Unsolved
Displayed Output:
- Value: Solved
Displayed Output:
- Additional Category
This is an additional issue category, settable by staff only. Probably this is as high priority issue. We have a Custom Moderator Tool for this field.
- Solution Post
This is for a button used for marking a post as Solution Post (thank you very much, Yumi
This button will mark the issue thread as Solved Issue automatically.
- Title: Solution Post
- Key: xtspt_solvepost
- Applicable Forums: 'select our support forum.'
- Input Field Type: Textbox
- Maximum Text Length: 10
- Field Input Width: 20
- Capture Tab Key: No
- Blank Replacement Value:
- Display Format:
- Underlying Data Type: Integer (unsigned)
- Hide Input Field: Yes
Create Templates
Admin CP -> Templates & Style -> Templates -> Global Templates.
- xtsupport_editpost_first
- xtsupport_forumdisplay_announcements_announcement
- xtsupport_forumdisplay_thread
- xtsupport_forumdisplay_threadlist
- xtsupport_newthread
- xtsupport_postbit
- xtsupport_postbit_classic
- xtsupport_postbit_first
- xtsupport_postbit_first_classic
- xtsupport_threadfields_inputrow
Additional CSS Class
Add this class into our global.css:
Modify it as our needs.
Custom Moderator Tools
Admin CP -> Moderator Tools -> Add New Thread Tool
- Solved Issue
With this custom moderator tools our forum staffs can mark threads as solved issue (if a user didn't update their threads status after their issue has been solved) and close the threads.
- Name: Solved Issue
- Short Description: Mark this thread as a Solved issue and close it.
- Available in forums: Select forums -> Select our support forum.
- Open/close thread?: Close
- Modify Custom Thread Field(s):
- Security Issue
With this custom moderator tools our forum staffs can mark threads as security issue and unapprove the threads.
- Name: Security Issue
- Short Description: Mark this issue as security issue and unapprove it.
- Available in forums: Select forums -> Select our support forum.
- Approve/Unapprove thread?: Unapprove
- Modify Custom Thread Field(s):
Field: sac
Value: Security
- Plugin Conflict
With this custom moderator tools our forum staffs can mark threads as plugin conflict issue.
- Name: Plugin Conflict
- Short Description: Mark this issue as plugin conflict
- Available in forums: Select forums -> Select our support forum.
- Modify Custom Thread Field(s):
Field: sac
Value: Plugin Conflict
- Bug
With this custom moderator tools our forum staffs can mark threads as bug of the plugin.
- Name: Bug
- Short Description: Mark this issue as bug.
- Available in forums: Select forums -> Select our support forum.
- Modify Custom Thread Field(s):
That is our simple Support Form

Please tell me if I make something wrong with it. I'm still learning
Additional Info:
- The Support Form should depends on what our forum about, or for what products the support form provided.
- We use language prefix for this example application (attached).
- Some variables in some Display Format come from other Display Format in other Custom Thread Fields.
- The templates above based on MyBB 1.6 templates.
1. Newthread:
That is our support form.
2. Showthread:
If user fill all info - Minimum Info
Solved issue - Unsolved Issue
3. Threadlist
We put filter and issue legend here.
Live Demo:
Not many threads I've created there. But at least it can show how the filter, sorting and issue legend work (I hope).
Note: All "issue" in the live demo is for testing only. There is no real issue like that in the actual plugins.
07 March 2011 - 11 March 2011 - 18 March 2011