You can try to modify this very basic sample. Basically, it is a combination from the trade and product review example application.
Create or edit a forum with these settings:
- Forum Rules: Display rules for this forum on the thread listing.
Modify the forum rules.
- Template Prefix: brand_
- Language File Prefix: brand_
- Thread Grouping: 3
- Show first post on every showthread page: Yes
- Enable XThreads' Inline Forum Search: Yes
- Custom WOL Text:
- Forum Display:
- New Thread:
- New Reply:
- Show Thread:
Create a Custom Thread Fields with these settings:
AdminCP -> Configuration -> Custom Thread Fields
- Listbox for Gender:
- Title: Gender
- Key: gender
- Applicable Forums: 'select our Brand Directory forum'
- Input Field Type: Listbox
- Field Input Width: 10
- Field Input Height: 1
- Values List:
- Editable by / Required Field?: Everyone (required)
- Allow Filtering: Yes
- Display Order: 1
- Textbox for Price:
- Title: Price
- Key: price
- Applicable Forums: 'select our Brand Directory forum'
- Maximum Text Length: 10
Modify it as our needs
- Field Input Width: 10
Modify it as our needs
- Editable by / Required Field?: Everyone (required)
- Display Order: 2
- Display Format:
- Text Mask Filter: Custom
Modify it as our needs.
- Listbox for Style:
Not quite sure whether the style is multi select or not (I'm not familiar with fashion). In this example we use a single select (only one style can be selected for each brand).
- File input field type for main image:
This is the only required image for this.
- Title: Main Image
- Key: mimg
- Applicable Forums: 'select our Brand Directory forum'
- Input Field Type: File
- Valid File Extensions: jpg|jpeg|gif|png
- Maximum File Size: 1048576
Modify it as our needs. It is a maximum file size (in bytes) that can be uploaded.
- Editable by / Required Field?: Everyone (required)
- Display Order: 4
- Only Accept Image Files: Yes
- Image Thumbnail Generation: 160x120
- Display Format:
Modify it as our need.
- File input field type for additional image:
Repeat this step as our needs, depends on how many additional images can be uploaded for each brands. Just use diferrent key. For example: bimg1, bimg2, bimg3 and etc. Then, put the variable in our brand_showthread template.
The variable should be like this:
Change the bimgx with the appropriate key.
In our brand_showthread template, there are five variable like this, for five additional brand images, using bimg1, bimg2, bimg3, bimg4 and bimg5 as key (line #49 - #53)
- Title: Additional Image 1
- Key: bimg1
- Applicable Forums: 'select our Brand Directory forum'
- Input Field Type: File
- Valid File Extensions: jpg|jpeg|gif|png
- Maximum File Size: 1048576
Modify it as our needs. It is a maximum file size (in bytes) that can be uploaded.
- Editable by / Required Field?: Everyone
This is not a required image.
- Display Order: 5
- Only Accept Image Files: Yes
- Image Thumbnail Generation: 160x120
- Display Format:
Modify it as our need.
Create new templates in Global Template.
Admin CP -> Templates & Style -> Templates -> Global Templates:
- brand_forumdisplay
There is a stylesheet in this template for selected filter. Modify it as our needs.
- brand_forumdisplay_announcements_announcement
Just to make announcements a bit blended with this template
. Personally I prefer to not displaying announcements for this type of forum.
- brand_forumdisplay_group_sep
- brand_forumdisplay_inlinemoderation_col
- brand_forumdisplay_searchforum_inline
- brand_forumdisplay_sticky_sep and brand_forumdisplay_threads_sep
- brand_forumdisplay_thread
- brand_forumdisplay_threadlist
All filtering URL laid in this template. Modify it as our needs.
- brand_forumdisplay_threadlist_clearpass
- brand_forumdisplay_threadlist_rating
- brand_forumdisplay_thread_modbit
- brand_forumdisplay_thread_null
Modify it as our needs. Probably we can put advertisement to this template.
- brand_forumdisplay_thread_rating
- brand_postbit_first and brand_postbit_first_classic
- brand_showthread
- brand_showthread_noreplies
- brand_showthread_ratethread
- brand_showthread_search
- brand_forumdisplay_nothreads
Additional Info:
- If we don't want thread rating there, just uncheck the Yes, allow threads to be rated setting in our Brand Directory forum settings.
- We can set another filter form for "advance" filter using select box, so user can filter thread more flexible, combining Gender and Style.
- We use language prefix for this (attached). Upload it to our inc/languages/english folder.
- We need Thread Tooltip Preview plugin for the article preview on thread list.
- Probably we need to create a newthread and editpost_first for "better" form submission.
- The templates above based on MyBB 1.6.3 templates.
That's the basic. Just modify it as your needs.
Please tell me if there is something wrong with the code. I'm still learning
Screenshot (using default theme):
1. Thread List:
Admin View - User View:
2. Showthread:
Horizontal - Classic
The layout depends on our themes.
Live Demo:
Classic postbit layout: