(07-31-2012 11:38 PM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: Your method of getting IDs is probably accurate (for now), but I wouldn't count on it. Just edit a group and look for a gid= in the URL - this will be the real group ID.
The exclamation mark (!) means 'not', so try removing that.
Hi - I confirmed the gid's are indeed as predicted, and deleted the exclamation mark - but no change in performance:
<if in_array($GLOBALS['mybb']->user['usergroup'], array(2,3,4,6)) then>
still never invokes {$shoutbox}, though shoutbox does appear normally if I simply add {$shoutbox} above or below this conditional statement.
Is there something wrong with the way this is looking up the usergroup array?
As a check, if I simply wanted the GID to be printed to the index page, and a flag to be set, printing "yay it works" if GID is one of 2,3,4 or 6, how would I do this?
(I reveal my total ignorance here - the only coding I have ever done was in basic! many years ago!)