(08-16-2012 08:23 PM)nier3 Wrote: But now if an user registrer/guest tries to sent message, there is an error: Invalid value supplied for "Status".
If you change the Values List, you need to edit your
contus_forumdisplay_quick_thread and
contus_newthread template.
Change the value there (the 'New').
For better (I think) validation, set the Editable by / Required Field? setting of the Status custom field as Everyone (required), then set the Settable Value Permissions to:
- Value: Confirmed
Editable by Groups: Specify which usergroups can set the status as Confirmed
- Value: Ignored
Editable by Groups: Specify which usergroups can set the status as Ignored
Modify it as your needs (depends on your Values List).