I want to use XThread with an auto-completed field (multiline one) allowing to choose a previous entry (comming from a separate table) or to add a new one.
Does anybody already did that ?
If no, I'll try to do and give you my solution
Thanks for sharing.
Pulling values from a custom table like this is somewhat custom behaviour and will probably require different code depending on what the requirements are.
Here it just looks like you just want an auto-complete as opposed to enforcing values that already exist in the table.
Well, my actual trouble is that I've a reference table, but I don't want to limit the users to its value, and I don't want to let the users adding their own values in the reference (I've a system to update references).
So, I use autocompletion as an helper for user entries, and xthread for display and search.
I'll work soon on the way to have the auto-completion fully working with xthread for systems as tags, with the possibility to automaticaly add new entries in the field definition.