Thank for you answer...i make few test and all is not clear for me :/
I complete field with "04/11/1983" result is "11 04 1983" ...result must be "04 novembre 1983" or "04 11 1983" (put text input display format on standby for the not really a problem)
How output a french date format day/month/year ?
...i'm test with this, without succes :
Quote:<?=date('d m Y', {VALUE})?>
So, after this problem ,I don't understand how sort thread by this date after that too? can you tell me more explications please ?
"make a numerical field"...don't understand... i have make a Textbox field (with a Text Mask Filter to DATE ), is not good?
I have make few search in this forum and i don't see any exemples who can help me...