(11-25-2010 07:43 PM)Skiilz Wrote: Yes.. I'm a noob
I'm a noob too, Skiilz

Many times I've said this, I'm not a coder, nor a designer. I'm still learning.
(11-25-2010 07:43 PM)Skiilz Wrote: ans messed up with my forums.
You know, I always do that to my forum too
(11-25-2010 07:43 PM)Skiilz Wrote: Going to do a clean MyBB install
and set all plugins again.
Yeah, it's better (I think) if you have a test forum, so, you can test anything before applying it to your production forum

I have more than one test forum right now
(11-25-2010 07:43 PM)Skiilz Wrote: It wasn't XThreads... It was me.
It wasn't XThreads, and it wasn't you. It is my fault to not code it well
(11-25-2010 09:32 AM)Skiilz Wrote:
YES. The problem is with XThreads..
I've said it above, the problem didn't come from XThreads. I comes from the News Bar.
Do you want to know why you get the SQL Error?
I think because you do this without uninstalling the News Bar:
(11-25-2010 09:32 AM)Skiilz Wrote: Deleted all fields, templates and uninstalled.
If you read the News Bar thread, you will see that the News Bar needs three settings, in this case, the three custom thread fields. If you delete the fields, the News Bar can't find its settings. And if you uninstall XThreads, all application that need XThreads (XThreads example applications) will not "work" correctly. And because the News Bar is one of the XThreads example application, so it can't run too, because all "information" needed for it already uninstalled. Maybe I will try to add "something" before the query run.
I'm really sorry for the problem.