(02-01-2012 03:14 AM)RateU Wrote: Assign the template prefix to each forum (if you assign it for the category only).The } --> sign appears in your XThreads application forums only (that have a template prefix) or for non XThreads forums only?
If it's in your XThreads application forums only, check your custom template, especially if you're using something like <!-- .................. --> to comment out some code.
Thank you for the reply and narrowing-down-the-search suggestion.
All forums in the subject category are identical xthread_field forums and all have have the same tp_.
Did notice that, after adding a few more test forums at the xthread_fields category and the non-xthread_fields category, the --> only showed up at the xthread/tp_ category forums.
Looked at all tp_templates and could find no spare --> or -->
Did notice that when post an xthread_field forum, with the problem, the forum the display becomes } --> --> instead of just } --> after post a 1st thread, and becomes } --> --> --> after post a 2nd thread, etc... so must have something to do with a post template ?
Have tried to comment out {$variable}s in the past, and couldnt do, but cant remember if it left a } --> or not... also dont know if happens when comment out a <div> </div> or <a> </a> etc with a {$variable} in it.
But, of course, when post to an identical xthread_forum, in same category, where the } --> does not initially appear, it does not appear when add additional threads.
Assume need to go back and look at tp_templates, but since it is somewhat sporadic, is there maybe something else should be checking ?