You're not missing it, I'm just coding wrong.

ok, what image should be there so i can just rename it?
If you want to fix it, open up admin/modules/tools/spamalyserlog.php
PHP Code:
foreach($action_array as &$action) {
Add after:

Just wanted to thank you for this plugin Yumi; not had many false positives but it's caught a lot of spam even on my tiny forum. Logs are really helpful too. Lovely stuff.
I can't find the download instructions. Thank you for sharing this with us.
If what you mean the download link, it is at the top of this thread, on the right side.
If what you mean how to extract it, there is an announcement:
If what you mean how to use it, there is a description for each settings.
Hope that helps

This is another useful plugin, thanks! It's perfect combination on goodbyespammer plugin.
blackfire said he lost this action_.gif ,ZiNgA BuRgA did you fixed it already coz' i unable to edit by my own. I'm using my phone to install plugins.
(11-23-2012 02:31 AM)jeffdaryl Wrote: [ -> ]blackfire said he lost this action_.gif ,ZiNgA BuRgA did you fixed it already
It never really was much of a problem to begin with...
Ok, I understand. I will find a way to a edit it by my own. Maybe xplore or lightnotepad will help.