Make sure you're changing the right template set and use the default theme for testing.
i did try but still doesn't work,
Did you set the Template Prefix for that forum to dating_ ?
yes i did only i didnt add this (Put this forum url manually in our templates (e.g: header template).
Try to create a dating_newthread template. Leave the contents of the template blanks.
Create a new thread. Do you get a blank page?
yep i do get blank page..
So, only dating_newthread template works on your forum, but the other dating_* templates don't work? What plugins installed on your forum?
i have installed your event plugin via xthreads which is works fine. usergroup legend,mytabs,vip membership,disable portal, thats it,
Looking at the screenshots on your previous post, it seems that all templates that work on forumdisplay and showthread page don't work on your forum.
But, if the event example application works on your forum (it has a "custom" forumdisplay_thread and postbit_first templates which work on forumdisplay and showthread page), I don't know why this example doesn't work on your forum.
Maybe you can try to ask Yumi/ZiNgA's help for this (maybe you can try to give him an access to your Admin CP to track down the issue).
i already sent him pm to access my forum but didnt get any response from him yet,