What I want seems fairly easy, but I have little understanding on how to do it.
I just want to make the first post of every new thread in an "Introduce yourself" forum have a background(Planning on making a low opacity background with globes, etc). Can this be done with xThreads?
Thanks in advanced

Generally, you can do that like this:
- Edit your Introduction Forum, you'll find Template Prefix setting there. Set the Template Prefix to intro_
- Create new thread in your Global Templates, name it as intro_postbit_first template for horizontal postbit, and intro_postbit_first_classic template for classic postbit layout.
- Copy paste your postbit codes to the intro_postbit_first template, and your postbit_classic codes to the intro_postbit_first_classic template.
- Now, you can modify the intro_postbit_first and intro_postbit_first_classic templates as you want (background, new class css, layout and etc).
You can view this example application as your reference:
I'm gonna try it right now. Rate-U you are an awesome person, all the shares you've done for xThreads are really freaking amazing, I'm really grateful. I'm currently using the Suggestion and Trader modules. I hope you are planning on release more of these. Really amazed by your tutorials. You are the man. Ok i'm gonna shut up now

Got it working man! Thanks, but I have a question, why does the background get implemented just for the first post (That's want I want it's fine) but I added height: 290px; (so that the background showed clompletly) and it's affecting all the posts? here is what I'm talking about:
Doesn't do it on the page you've linked...
I ended up fixing it and forgot to edit, I'm sorry. Thank you guys.