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is it possible to filter by a custom thread field?

Hi, thanks for answering.

Trying to follow the example, I tried to create a template in ungrouped templates named this_is_a_custom_test
Then tried to reference it from forumdisplay using {$this_is_a_custom_test$}  but it didnt work.

what am i doing wrong?

I dont understand how is this supposed to work.

there is not any Select based on tags here:

(07-17-2013 05:23 PM)ezeql Wrote: [ -> ]is it possible to filter by a custom thread field?
You can read the XThreads Documentations (you can find it in XThreads package).
Or, you can read the description under the Filtering Mode in each Custom Thread Fields setting.
Or maybe you can look at this simple example:
You can see the demo here:
Some examples here use the Custom Thread Filter:

(07-18-2013 06:01 AM)ezeql Wrote: [ -> ]Trying to follow the example, I tried to create a template in ungrouped templates named this_is_a_custom_test
Then tried to reference it from forumdisplay using {$this_is_a_custom_test$}  but it didnt work.
Not quite sure what do you want to do with the template. Maybe what you mean is Template Prefix? If so, you can find the setting for that in edit/create forum settings page.

(07-18-2013 07:42 PM)ezeql Wrote: [ -> ]there is not any Select based on tags
What do you mean by the "Select"?
Thanks for your help!
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