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Ugh.. That never happened to me. When quoting a post, can you see the quoted post id in the quote tag?



(06-08-2010 01:54 AM)RateU Wrote: [ -> ]Ugh.. That never happened to me. When quoting a post, can you see the quoted post id in the quote tag?



This is what I get


Yeah, that should be like that. The "662" is the quoted post id.

Try to look at your .quick_jump class in your global css. What is the css code in that class?
        background: url(images/jump.gif) no-repeat 0;
        width: 13px;
        height: 13px;
        padding-left: 13px; /* amount of padding needed for image to fully show */
        vertical-align: middle;
        border: none;
Because you are working in your localhost, try to install the plugin in a fresh / clean MyBB installation.
Hey again thanks
OK I know its not these plug-ins nor is it my paid theme fault its my ONLY BLOODY fault for not knowing about php and html or I would be able to install all of this with a charm .... god can someone just slap me right now for the life of me Smile

The thing is I've used MyBB awhile back and I used to have a LIVE forum until I got fed up and was not happy so I had installed something else ... but recently I decided hey I'm paying for plug-ins and themes from different sites (3 altogether) and I said with all these neat plug-ins maybe I can re surface and make something better then what I previously had!

The problem I think is I have no clue what plug-ins work together and that don't work together ... so what happens is once you have a lot of plug-ins usually one will override another or god knows what and then im screwed and have no flipping clue what to do next so im pretty sure that's whats happening again right  this moment.

By the way thanks again!!!

I think I figured out what can be screwing somehow with the quote arrow to disappear out of thin air, its the plug in on MyBB
MyBB's plugin system isn't the nicest - I've seen a number of plugins, including my own, which have had to use rather "dirty" hacks to get around limitations of the system, so conflicts can sometimes arise due to this.  Though there are a lot of plugins out there which simply aren't well written.

That being said, I do strongly recommend you learn HTML and CSS, especially if you're playing around with this stuff.  It is NOT difficult to learn, and you should be able to pick it up fairly quickly.  Personally, I think all webmasters should know HTML and CSS, but even more so if they're into customisation.  PHP/Javascript not so necessary, though, of course, would be nice.
Ok it seems the culprit with this plug-in is to why the green jump button dissapeared .... now is there anyway in the template i can fix this.. ok cause I asked over on MyBB about this question in a plug in  that I thought was the actual culprit but I got the answer and the ONLY thing that can be interferring with my green arrow jump.gif  is the vb quotes suppsively so can we look deeper into this ... can someone guide me threw to see where or how it got broken? Im sure its simple cause of the theme I am using its probally placed right there but just not in the right area or it over topped the arrow setting in the quotes file?
Does the file images/jump.gif actually exist?
Is it even pointing there?
Check your postbit_gotopost to ensure it really does contain the link.
doing that right now, sorry was on the phone for the last little while

Yes the jump.gif is there in images

Now inside the postbit_gotopost is ONLY this
Quote:<a href="{$url}" class="quick_jump">&nbsp;</a>
what next do I check?
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