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(12-18-2010 01:06 AM)leefish Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, I am using it on THIS forum

Site is SUPER slow at the moment - have complained to host but meh.

Looks good!  I might give it a try.

How hard would it be to make the new thread description a link to the thread (the same as the topic subject is)??  I think this would be a nice touch.
I would guess use thread description the same way you would use a language variable. I shall try it.


<br />
<a href="{$thread['threadlink']}"><span class="smalltext"><em>{$GLOBALS['threadfields']['fdesc']}</em></span></a>
<br class="clear" />

That gave a linked thread description.

Nice work!  I'll give it a try, but now I'm undecided if I should link the description or not!  It does look nice with the description separating the subject title and the poster's username!  decisions, decisions!  Yipi
Hmmm....I just  noticed something.  In my Youtube Video gallery and my Links Gallery, the thread desc field is out of order.  How can I move the field up on just those two forums?
either make a new threads/edit post template, or give the threaddescription field a lower number than those two fields so it shows first.
Awesome!  I just changed the reorder sequences and I'm in good shape now!  One of these days, I may learn all the secrets of Zinga's Magic!  (But probably not in the near future!  LOL)
Has anyone using thread description upgraded to MyBB 1.65? I have a odd problem ever since I upgraded. On every theme the thread description shows up twice. I checked the forumdisplay_thread and search_results_threads_thread templates and I discovered the upgraded listed the {$threadfields['desc']} twice for some reason. I deleted the second reference from all the templates but when you go to post a thread it still shows thread description twice. I then deleted the custom field thread from Xthreads and posting new threads still shows thread descriptions twice but if you try to post something in those fields it won't post them.

I tried creating thread descriptions all over again and it still shows it twice but only one field will post. It's like the second field is a ghost or something. I'm baffled what's wrong and all I know it has something to do with the MyBB 1.65 upgrade.

Does anyone have a clue what the problem could be?
Do you have other custom thread fields applied to your forum?
If so, does it happen to the other custom thread fields too?

I can't reproduce it. I've tried installing MyBB 1.6.5, then create the Thread Descriptions (and some threads).
And I've tried installing MyBB 1.6.4, create the Thread Descriptions (and some threads), then upgrade to MyBB 1.6.5. Still, I can't reproduce it.
(11-29-2011 04:34 PM)Hyperspace Wrote: [ -> ]I then deleted the custom field thread from Xthreads and posting new threads still shows thread descriptions twice but if you try to post something in those fields it won't post them.
Wait, how do you post something in a field if it's been deleted?
I discovered the problem was my fault. When I upgraded to 1.65 I turned off all my plugins and then after the upgrade I turned them all back on. By accident I turned on one plugin that was suppose to be off. I use to use the thread description plugin until I started using Xthreads. So turning on that old plugin was why thread descriptions were showing up twice for me.
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