I said forumdisplay, not a screenshot of template code. That, you can just copy/paste here.
(04-22-2010 04:48 PM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]This is a simple thing to do, and this example should give you a general idea of the basics of XThreads.
Alrighty, after installing and activating XThreads, follow these steps on how to add thread description functionality for your threads:
- Go to your AdminCP -> Configuration -> Custom Thread Fields section
- Choose to Add Thread Field
- On this page, enter in the following:
Title: Thread Description
Key: desc
Description: Further describe your thread here
Display Format: <div>{VALUE}</div>
(leave other fields on their defaults)
- Now scroll down to the bottom of the page and Add Thread Field
- If you go to your forum and try to make a new thread, you should notice that there's a "Thread Description" text box below the "Thread Subject" text box, however this doesn't actually do anything right now. We'll need to add the description into MyBB's templates for it to be of any use.
- Go to your AdminCP -> Templates & Style -> Templates
- Select the template set you're using (if you have multiple template sets, you need to repeat the following steps with all template sets; alternatively, if you know how, you can also use the Global Templateset)
- Now, expand "Forum Display Templates"
- Click on the forumdisplay_thread template to edit it
- Find the following line of code:
<div class="author smalltext">{$thread['profilelink']}</div>
and add the following before it:
- Save the template
- Back at the templates list page, expand "Search Templates", and select the search_results_threads_thread template to edit
- Perform the same edit as you did for the forumdisplay_thread template, and save this edited template
- Now, go make a new thread and confirm that thread descriptions appear properly on the forumdisplay and search pages.
If you got to the end without troubles, congratulations! you have managed to use XThreads to create a thread description.
This may seem like a bit of a convoluted method of doing such, but it does give you a lot of flexibility with various things.
As alluded to earlier, this is a very basic example and shows the basics of XThreads.
Hopefully this wasn't too difficult. Maybe you can go on and try one of the more complicated examples.
Very simple, but i understand XThreads functionality a little better now.
hai i just want to ask
i had follow your discription in 1st post and all be fine for me
than i want to add to showthread... so i just add in templete in code {$threadfields['vac']}
but nothing appears ??
can u advice me thanks ??
Yes, if the name is called 'vac', and this template isn't a postbit related one.
so how to add to show in showthread ?
i missing something ?
It is better if you post your modified showthread template here.