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(09-26-2011 07:10 AM)Intex Wrote: [ -> ]i have this problem
Error attaching file for "Image";
i don't add a images ;/
And what happen if you attaching an image?
Image not upload ;/ wait 5 seconds and shows me this info
Error attaching file for "Image";
What is the CHMOD for your uploads/xthreads_ul/ folder?
Are you using the URL (uploading image from URL) option or the File (uploading image from your computer) option?
There is no other error information after the Error attaching file for "Image"; error message?
i add CHMOD 777 and its on!!!
I have installed this and I get the gallery with a box and no image. I found the image in my /uploads/xthreads_ul/ts_1319 folder. The chmod on the folder & files is set to 777. What did I miss?
Does it happen on your showthread too?
Yes. Same result. I am uploading a 70K jpg from my local drive.
Did you try to rebuild the XThreads Attachment Thumbnails?
What is the value of your Image Thumbnail Generation setting, and what's the contents of your gal_forumdisplay_thread template?
Or, could you post your forum url here?
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