Yea ive already done that the one in forum settings ... not just the tempalte so far thats my result it only show TEXT " see previous post" photos attached and url
ty again
You need to create at least ytvgal_showthread template to test it. The video will be displayed in this template. Again, please don't forget to set the Template Prefix setting in the edit forum setting.
Could you please let guests to see the thread temporary? I get no permission page when accessing the URL.
TYVM sir it works now !! howver the categories are wrong if i remember correctly i set different categories in the custom thread ...
If you use different category than the example category, you need to edit your
ytvgal_showthread and
ytvgal_forumdisplay_threadlist templates.
Edit this part of the templates:
<table border="0" width="100%">
<td align="center">
<a href="{$forumurl_q}filtertf_ytvgalcat=Music"><img src="" alt="" /></a><br />
<a href="{$forumurl_q}filtertf_ytvgalcat=Music"><strong>Music</strong></a>
<td align="center">
<a href="{$forumurl_q}filtertf_ytvgalcat=Anime"><img src="" alt="" /></a><br />
<a href="{$forumurl_q}filtertf_ytvgalcat=Anime"><strong>Anime</strong></a>
<td align="center">
<a href="{$forumurl_q}filtertf_ytvgalcat=Funny"><img src="" alt="" /></a><br />
<a href="{$forumurl_q}filtertf_ytvgalcat=Funny"><strong>Funny</strong></a>
You can see in the URL, there is Music, Anime and Funny. Change it as your needs, depends on what your category (in the value list of the Video category custom thread fields).
Thank you got it working ... tvmuch sir!!
what about for image do you have something like this like Image Gallery
also how do i change these fonts in the main thread.
03-11-2011, 04:31 PM
53 Views, 0 Comments
i want it white .

(03-28-2011 03:15 AM)masterj Wrote: [ -> ]what about for image do you have something like this like Image Gallery
Not quite sure what you mean. We have Image Gallery example applications here:
You can modify it as your needs.
(03-28-2011 03:15 AM)masterj Wrote: [ -> ]also how do i change these fonts in the main thread.
03-11-2011, 04:31 PM
53 Views, 0 Comments
i want it white .
Edit your
ytvgal_forumdisplay_thead template (this part):
<span class="smalltext">
By: {$thread['profilelink']}<br />
{$thread['threaddate']}, {$thread['threadtime']}<br />
{$thread['views']} {$lang->views}, {$thread['replies']}{$unapproved_posts} Comments
Thanks what about the color how do i change it to white ?
By: << CHaNge color to white
Category: << CHaNge color to white
03-11-2011, 04:31 PM << CHaNge color to white
53 Views, 0 Comments << CHaNge color to white
Sir how come this mod is not in official mybb ? This is the best mod ever created for mybb!!
Also how do i change the background color.
About the gallery:
I want something simillar to you tube gallery.
Instead of uploading you tube url it will be the Image url
Then the thumbnail will be a bit bigger , also with 3 Categories.
10000000thanks to you sir
For text color, you can try something like this:
<span class="smalltext" style="color: #FFFFFF;">
By: {$thread['profilelink']}<br />
{$thread['threaddate']}, {$thread['threadtime']}<br />
{$thread['views']} {$lang->views}, {$thread['replies']}{$unapproved_posts} Comments
For background color, probably you need to use {$bgcolor} or trow1 or trow2 as a class in your ytvgal_forumdisplay_thread template.
For the Images Gallery, do you mean by the Image URL is, the images hosted in other server like ImageShack and etc?
Yes sir exactly instead of the you tube url , they'll place the url of the image. the reason im doing this because i don't have enough space and bandwidth.
so exactly the same with you tube gallery, also 3 categories and bit bigger thumbnail.
Hi sir RateU disregard my request regarding the gallery im not gona do it anymore.
However, I still have few questions with you tube gallery only small glitch.
I set 3 Categories
1st -Bodybuilding
2nd - Music
3rd -Misc
Also i've already change the pics and name in the templates.
The small bug or problem is when i open/play videos under the 2nd and 3d Category.. at the top of the video it always shows "Bodybuilding" which is wrong
again the problem is only for category 2 and 3 , when i watch video it always show "Bodybuilding"
when i watch videos on category 1 , it shows the right category which is "bodybuilding"