(07-29-2010 02:45 PM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]I really like how you did the redirect there, also using a hidden field.

Thanks, Yumi
(07-29-2010 04:57 PM)Shemo Wrote: [ -> ]rateu, I think the link categories should be a category, not a forum.
if you set it as a forum, it'll look like this:
if you make link directory and link categories as a category then set up sub forums under link categories it looks fine!
Not quite sure why that happens. Here is what I did in the live demo:
Link Directory => Category Type - fid = 27 - my link directory "index".
--- Search Engine => Forum Type - as link category
--- MyBB Forum => Forum Type - as link category
--- Entertainment => Forum Type - as link category
--- News And Education => Forum Type - as link category
Hi RateU, picture freak reporting in
I wanted to add a small thumbnail of the website icon to the thread view, and I managed that, however if I try and post a picture that is other than the allowed file size or dimensions then I don't get the warning at the top of the page - it sticks at the submit link page. If I later edit and try and add fields then I get the warning where a warning is needed.
Im also having a little trouble getting the links directory to hide - I've got it showing on my index ATM. As I could not get it to NOT show on the index I also edited the templates a bit so that it matches the rest, I just wondered why it was so.

Because I've deleted the
{$attacherror} variable from
xtld_newthread template. You need to add the
{$attacherror} variable into your
xtld_newthread template, Lee. Add it below the
{$thread_errors} variable. And I'm really sorry for the mistake, Lee
Actually, you can use an auto link thumbnail for this Link Directory, you can view the example in my Link Directory sample, I've just added it:
Unfortunately, it will get the entire site index page, not only the logo or banner
Ah, yes, Lee. I'm really sorry if I put wrong description about Lee Fish site there

If you want me to change it, just ask to me. And I hope you don't mind because I've put your Lee Fish there.

Hi RateU, I think its awesome that you put LeeFish in the demo - I feel really honoured. Thanks for the tip on the errors attach as well.
I shall be using your video templates next.
Gotta say RateU, Xthreads is an awesome plugin - but the way you create all these amazing set ups - well, its the cherry on the Xthreads cake. My forum would not look half as good without all the work you and Zinga put into Xthreads and showing us how to use them.
Yumi and XThreads.... One of the reasons why I still use MyBB as forum software...
Thanks, Lee
(08-01-2010 12:17 AM)leefish Wrote: [ -> ]Im also having a little trouble getting the links directory to hide - I've got it showing on my index ATM. As I could not get it to NOT show on the index I also edited the templates a bit so that it matches the rest, I just wondered why it was so.
Grrr.. I missed this part

Did you create a blank
ixtld_forumbit_depth1_cat template, Lee?
(08-01-2010 03:34 AM)RateU Wrote: [ -> ]EDIT:
(08-01-2010 12:17 AM)leefish Wrote: [ -> ]Im also having a little trouble getting the links directory to hide - I've got it showing on my index ATM. As I could not get it to NOT show on the index I also edited the templates a bit so that it matches the rest, I just wondered why it was so.
Did you create a blank ixtld_forumbit_depth1_cat template, Lee?
Yes I did - then I had a sudden brainwave and put in it and it vanished. Looks like blank can't be REALLY blank

Great! Never thought to put "something" there than a really blank template. Thank you very much for the idea, Lee

I've edited the sample post

I haven't looked, but I think having totally blank templates may be a bit of an issue due to MyBB disabling notice level warnings and such.
I'll double-check this once I get around to it though.
Hi RateU - as I am not hiding my Links directory its ok for me, but these links are also showing in the search results (todays posts, new posts). I guess the solution to hiding them is a "blank" search results template?