(11-06-2010 08:22 AM)x-Treme Wrote: [ -> ]New Question:
In the forums under my link directory, I allowed blank Post Messages like the tutorial says. However, when I go to edit the link, it gives an error message "The message is missing. Please enter a message."
Are you able to reproduce this on a clean forum?
I have the same xthreads feature on two of my different forums. Both result in the same error message.
If you can provide a step-by-step guide on how I can reproduce it on a clean install, I can investigate it for you.
My fault...I was missing a closing <tr> tag.
Sorry everyone...working fine now.
Good to hear

I think you can also try turning MyN back on - I find it best to DEACTIVATE MYN, upgrade Xthreads, reactivate. Though that fancy post rep plugin HATES Xthreads first posts....
Yay, I was a bit concerned that my blank post hack was failing... >_>
What exactly are the problems with MyNetwork? I might try out the post rep thing.
Not sure exactly as I just started using both xthreads and mynetwork together. However it seems that mynetwork must be disabled if upgrading xthreads.
I too was using the post rep thing.
- OK, we put this code back to xtld_editpost template after the {$extra_threadfields}{$posticons} variables (around line #38) in the example post:
<tr style="display: none;">
<td class="trow2" valign="top">
<td class="trow2">
<textarea name="message" id="message" rows="20" cols="70" tabindex="3">{$message}</textarea>
- Using URL (HTTP/S) Text Mask Filter preset for the Textbox for Website URL field (custom thread fields #1)
I've updated the example post.