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user reported he can't upload images
error appears on
<div align="center">{$tfinput['trdfimg']}</div>
on newthread template

>< i couln't find a fix

Have you tried uploading the image?
(06-29-2012 09:18 PM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]Wat?

Have you tried uploading the image?

Indeed, via attacher and URL (both fail)

>Value for "Product image" is required.
This happens when i tried to full edit
[Image: asdder.png]
File and pic size max min correctly ?
yes correctly, also formats =/
Works a Resize Plugin for you ?
what¿ Oh
It seems that the trdfimg displayed twice on your newthread page (based on your scr above). Try to check the Hide Input Field setting of the trdfimg whether it is set to Yes or not.
i've fixed the editthread twice option
but when i add a picture
it's not being showed on thread

and when making a new thread still giving error

(same thing happened with FAQ, remember?)
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