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Is that you Deb? Are you my stalker?? Tongue
noiredeb also here Biggrin ahaha
(08-10-2012 03:47 AM)leefish Wrote: [ -> ]stalker
Has a fans, Lee?
yes, I'm fanlee Biggrin
I can't edit "trdf_newthread" template Frown  

"The following errors were encountered:
* A potential security issue was found in the template. Please review your changes or contact the MyBB Group for support."
Thank you Lee!

I have replaced with:

<div class="float_left" style="margin-left: 9px;">{$tfinput['trdfminmax']} &#x24; {$tfinput['trdfprice']} for  {$tfinput['trdfet']}</div>

and now it is ok Yipi (I like this smilie lol) Thank you

Just a quick question does xthreads support mathematical functions ?? E.G trdftotal=trdfprice+trdfpostal ?
If you trust your members, you can create an hidden custom fields to count it.
Otherwise, I think you need to do that in a plugin.

There is Input Formatter feature in XThreads 1.6. Later, I think you can use it for that.
(08-21-2012 04:56 AM)JimR Wrote: [ -> ]Just a quick question does xthreads support mathematical functions ?? E.G trdftotal=trdfprice+trdfpostal ?
If this is just for output purposes, use Template Conditionals to perform the addition.
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