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Full Version: Closed Thread Reason
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(03-30-2013 07:03 AM)bigvin Wrote: [ -> ]I tried that but there is no extra text box for a comment that comes up, just the full edit "your message" box.

Do you check the Hide on Show thread setting for the ctr field?
(03-31-2013 12:51 AM)RateU Wrote: [ -> ]
(03-30-2013 07:03 AM)bigvin Wrote: [ -> ]I tried that but there is no extra text box for a comment that comes up, just the full edit "your message" box.

Do you check the Hide on Show thread setting for the ctr field?

Do you mean New thread? Wink
Ah, yes. That is what I meant.
I'm really sorry for my mistake.
That's ok RateU.

Well either way whether it should be checked off or not, I tried it both ways and it still doesnt show up anywhere. I am able to close the thread and have the default reason show up in the thread list but when I go to edit the closed thread from the post in full mode....I see no input field that I can put in a reason.
Are the setup instructions in the first post exact?? Or is there something else I should be looking to configure or set like checking the  hide Hide Thread Field...Hide input field on New/edit Thread ?

I really like this feature to have for my moderators. Frown I'm bummed I cant get this to work.
Check whether {$extra_threadfields} variable exists in your editpost template.

Wow!! I love it, that was the was missing that variable.
Thank you so much for not losing patience with me.
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