So, your problem is in the "actual" layout (in showthread or postbit template), not in the editpost template. I mean, even it is in editpost page, but the actual layout laid in postbit/showthread template. Because the preview post calls the postbit template, and your actual layout laid in that template, so, the image not updated when we try to change the existing image when editing the thread and hit the preview button.
Is it like that, Lee?
Well, here is the weird thing - I change nothing in the templates - I just remove the show first post on every page in the forum settings - and it works. When I have show first post enabled in forum settings - the post preview does not update.
So its not a templates issue per se - its dependant on whether I have "Show first post on every showthread page" enabled.
with Show first post on every showthread page enabled - the preview does not update
without Show first post on every showthread page - the preview updates
Hmm, but Zinga is saying do not install in a production forum - so I shall wait. Is it working for you with first post in showthread enabled? With the github patch?
Yep. It works for me. Do you want to test it out, Lee?
No no, I believe - I will wait til Zinga does the official release - at least its NOT the templates

(10-29-2010 04:36 AM)leefish Wrote: [ -> ]No no, I believe
Please don't misunderstand my question above, Lee.
I don't mean that you say you didn't believe me.
I'm still learning too, Lee

It is only an offer, if you want to test it in the demo forum

Hi RateU - I took the plunge and put the fix on my forum (I have a lot of faith in you two) - and yes, Its fixed. Definitely requires the git hub patch to work.
I will swop the files back now until official version comes out

Yeah, Lee

It seems that you have a nice newthread layout for that forum ID.
Well, its yours really Rateu - I adapted it from your trading forum template
Its just another downloads set up or I would post it. Most MYBB forums are not very picture intensive, and I cant get the thread display to validate. So.