MyBB Hacks

Full Version: {$threadfields_display} formatting error in 1.8.4
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I'm sure it's a really obvious answer I'll kick myself for, but after a bit of poking around I'm no closer to a solution so hoping someone can help-

The {$threadfields_display} in showthread throws the post columns way off (width drops to about 50%) if there's xthreads fields to display.

Where can I fix this?
showthread_threadfield_row template and similar.
Ah of course, guess my brain was just fried last night.
If anyone else runs into the problems, the solution is editing showthread_threadfield_row to

<tr><td class="{$bgcolor}"><div style="float:left; width:15%;"><strong>{$title}</strong></div><div style="float:left; width:85%;">{$value}<div></td></tr>

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