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Full Version: Help Xthreads in Showthread?
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Please help me problem:

If deffault is :

[Image: 5.png]

After custom:

I have xthreads : download (add in {$GLOBALS['threadfields']['download']} in postbit_classic)

When new post:

[Image: 1.png]

Display Showthead:

[Image: 2.png]

But when post reply:

[Image: 3.png]

Please help me only show fist post... (English verry bad, I hope do your understant)
Don't put it in postbit_classic then.
Try one of the postbit_first_* variants or something else, like showthread.
Please help detail? because I really need it...thanks somuch
1. Create postbit_first_classic template.
2. Copy postbit_classic into the new template.
3. Use {$GLOBALS['threadfields']['download']} in the new postbit_first_classic template not postbit_classic.
(05-17-2015 03:48 PM)Sama34 Wrote: [ -> ]1. Create postbit_first_classic template.
2. Copy postbit_classic into the new template.
3. Use {$GLOBALS['threadfields']['download']} in the new postbit_first_classic template not postbit_classic.

Thanks you verymuch...I did problem...thanks thanks thanks
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