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Full Version: Xthreads lryics site?
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Looking at Xthreads agian, seeing what i want is much more complex then what Xthreads can do, i remembered it as much more powerful xD.
If you are able to at least clearly state your requirements, I may at the very least consider whether modifications/improvements can be done to accommodate your needs, but otherwise, I don't think anyone here can help you.
(11-08-2010 01:01 PM)Mark2x Wrote: [ -> ]Looking at Xthreads agian, seeing what i want is much more complex then what Xthreads can do, i remembered it as much more powerful xD.

Hmmm, lemme see, is this a transparent attempt to get us to make the templates FOR you? To show how awesome XThreads is.....Yea, I think so.

Well, XThreads is awesome and can do this kind of layout and I'm waiting to see your spec.
Well what i wanted was a dual view. One view for people who are logged into MyBB, as a form, but for guests and search engines it acts as a regular lyrics hosting site, to basically catch hte attention of users, and then showing hte below few posts.
Can easily do that with Template Conditionals.
(11-06-2010 04:10 PM)1master1 Wrote: [ -> ]may be this is what he wants

I have an example showthread page for this:
its good rateu, well it lacks the instant commenting system,
album image(small popup image), related album songs in "Song Info" box,
a audio widget embedding box above the video box
and share buttons.
remaining everything is perfect
(11-14-2010 07:12 PM)1master1 Wrote: [ -> ]the instant commenting system
What's that?

I take the rest of your suggestions, though ultimately, I think it's up to the end user to customise...
For sharing buttons, probably one of those sharing plugins will work.
i mean "replies" under the lyrics to share their views. Yep, we can add sharing buttons as we like. not a problem though.
this is the example of adding a audio widget along with youtube(video widget) --

<embed wmode="transparent" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" src=";autoplay=default" height="28" width="335"></object>

Holy shit. It can. Should i make a joint donation to the both if you? I'll don't know how to do it really, i can only buy disposable visa cards to pay you for that, its exactly what i needed, that you so much. Now i just need to figure out how to get supported on MyBB again.
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