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(11-20-2010 05:20 AM)RateU Wrote: [ -> ][quote='glas' pid='4646' dateline='1290137873']
youtube regex is not working anymore
What do you mean by "not working anymore"?

In Lyrics Forum:

In YouTube Video Gallery (using the same method):

(11-19-2010 01:37 PM)glas Wrote: [ -> ]<param name="movie" value="{VALUE}"></param>
<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param>
<embed src="{VALUE}" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="360" height="270" wmode="transparent"></embed></object>
It doesn't work, just gives a blank square that's why ive replaced it with this code
Look at the Display Format in YouTube Video fields at the example post again.

You will find there are two URL like that in the Display Format..

Replace the {VALUE}{VALUE} with {VALUE$1}{VALUE$2}

I can't fix the example post right now.
Sorry for that, the posts broke because of a bug in another plugin.
@ glass: Just look at the YouTube Video field embed code at the example application post. It is my false that I didn't realize it yesterday. I'm sorry.

@ Yumi: Thank you very much, Yumi Smile
when i want change Input Field Type there is no File option chosen for image description on XThreads plugin or on Custom Thread Fields so my image doesnt shown on threads.

Help me please. Wink2
You can only set type to File when creating a thread field (not when editing).  There is no way to convert a non-file input field to a file input field.
(11-28-2010 02:34 PM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]You can only set type to File when creating a thread field (not when editing).  There is no way to convert a non-file input field to a file input field.

Thank you.... Smile

But i have error when i upload the picture on new thread. I've followed the instruction coreccted... Smile
Hi there, when you get a picture upload error you need to check 3 things:

the size of the file (kbs)
The type of the file (png, jpg whatever)
The DIMENSIONS of the file. For example, if your setting is 100px by 200px and you upload a 200px by 100px file it will give an error.
A little update:

  1. Related Song ID custom thread fields Display Format:

    <setvar xtl_sid>THIS_SCRIPT == 'showthread.php' ? get_thread(intval({VALUE})) : ''</setvar>
    <setvar xtl_rsid>$tplvars['xtl_sid'] && $tplvars['xtl_sid']['fid'] == $fid ? '<a href="'.get_thread_link(intval($tplvars['xtl_sid']['tid'])).'">'.htmlspecialchars_uni($tplvars['xtl_sid']['subject']).'</a>' : ''</setvar>

  2. xtlyrics_showthread template:
    Find (around line #63):


    Replace with:


I've updated the example application post.
Modify it as our needs.
how to fix this problem, Biggrin


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