(12-12-2010 10:34 AM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ] (12-11-2010 01:58 AM)leefish Wrote: [ -> ]Hmm, well, its hard for me to explain what I want - but I tried in this post:
http://mybbhacks.zingaburga.com/showthre...http://mybbhacks.zingaburga.com/showthread.php?tid=615&pid=50 >> up to post 17 in that thread.
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:Pulling threads from multiple forums? I've thought about it before, but it gets tricky, for example, potentially different permission sets on forums etc. It gets really difficult to handle all that.
Search system may work better, but it's not quite as versatile as the forumdisplay page.
Yes, I did think that a search might work, but its not as good as forum display
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:@your other idea - just portal categorisation?
Is it similar to the page here? http://sc2.zingaburga.com/ where you can click on the category and will only show posts of that forum?
Well, the portal categorisation and the idea of a second portal page would not allow me to use the thing I
really want - which is the XThreads filters that I have in the forums.
The example from RateU is VERY close to what I want at a basic level but he can't make it general to share. Its a shame. In that he is using the x_threads_disp, but I don't know how to use it or where to find it....
I'm thinking of adding thread filtering on the portal page.
The portal page doesn't have pagination by default though.
Yumi, is there any update for the "black list" and/or the "white list" from the full list?
I mean, are we still allowed to vote from the list?

Not sure what you exactly mean, but you're free to put forward any points.
Sorry for not clear, Yumi

What I mean with the "black list" is, Feature Ideas that you don't want to add to XThreads (from the list in the first post).
And the "white list" is, Feature Ideas that still have a probability to be added to XThreads.
I don't really know. I guess it depends on my mood when I work on things, and whether I realise that they're harder than I originally thought...
Zinga...I have a suggestion. When I add a new multi line text box with the custom thread field, there are no rich text editing tools...would it be hard to add them to multi line text inputs in some fashion? Maybe even so it uses the default MyBb text editor like I am using right now...
I've thought about that one before, but:
- MyBB's editor is "broken" (like many parts of MyBB itself) - its OOP model is crap and you cannot have more than one instance of it on a page; in other words, this will screw up the normal post editor if I put it there
- a WYSIWYG editor can be quite a large additional library - add to the fact that it only really does HTML well; MyBB itself doesn't have one, which is going to make it more difficult for me to include one, especially if using MyCodes. The best I could do with this idea is perhaps integrate it with a WYSIWYG plugin, but all the ones I've seen so far suck in some way or another at the moment.
I was just looking over at Skillz's post about changing the layout of his forums page (index.php). I THINK what he needs is a divider/grouper - a bit like the thread grouper separator we have in XThreads.
I know forums are not threads, so its kind of out of scope, but being able to manipulate the layout of the forums on the index page the way we can with forumdisplay_threadlist and threads would be a major thing and open many styling opportunities.
Thanks for the suggestion, but I personally think I'll leave this to a more proper "multi column forums" type plugin.
Although it can be done fairly awkwardly with XThreads and/or Template Conditionals.