(07-10-2012 11:36 PM)ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote: [ -> ]I've thought about it - maybe I'll do a filter-chain type implementation:
Where scale_min = scale image so that it is at least the size specified (90x90), crop_cm = crop from center-middle to 90x90.
any hope to see this any time this year?

I'll take that as a no? Can I donate somewhere to make it happen? lol
I don't have an answer.
I work on this when I feel like it really, so it ultimately depends on whether I'm in the mood. Of course, being open source, others are free to adapt any progress I've done and modify on top of that, though I haven't seen much interest from anyone in this.
The code is partially complete on GitHub, but do note that there is a bit of a difficulty with parsing the process chain expression for security reasons at the moment, so there's the possibility that it won't even be in v1.6, although I intend to have it.
Thanks for the update! Looking forward to it whenever it is ready.