(06-18-2011 11:43 PM)av8r_bra Wrote: [ -> ]That's because of a new version(3.2.7) is out..
Thanks for the info, av8r_bra
OK. I've added an additional information about which parts should be modified if we use other version in the first post.
need help please, when i try to upload the video this message shows "Value for "Video Uploader" is required." any suggestion?
now, when the message above does not show, another message shows "Can not upload file - Too large for php post_max_size directive. Please press the back button."
what i have to do to fix that problem ?
(01-26-2012 08:09 AM)kyuubie Wrote: [ -> ]now, when the message above does not show, another message shows "Can not upload file - Too large for php post_max_size directive. Please press the back button."
I think it means that the file you're trying to upload is too large (compared to the post_max_size setting in php.ini). You can view the max file size and the max post size value setting in the
description of the
Maximum File Size setting.
To change the value, you need to edit the setting in your php.ini file.
If it is a very large video file, you can try to put the file in your
admindrop folder. You can read more info about it in the XThreads Documentation (you can find it in the XThreads Package).
Anyway to setup this only for youtube urls?
I have managed this on my forum: I used the custom field for the ytvgalid from the youtube gallery example and edited postbit_first, editpost_first, newthread and forumdisplay_thread to use that custom field.
I would show the templates, but they are heavily edited for my specific needs, so that will take a lot of time. It is easy to do though.
The only difference I note from the Youtube xThread gallery is the style. Why don´t just do the Youtube application example?
(03-23-2012 01:50 PM)Sama34 Wrote: [ -> ]The only difference I note from the Youtube xThread gallery is the style. Why don´t just do the Youtube application example?
i just ve noticed that
im going to try it right now
I would like to appear in videos on profile. Is this possible?
You need a plugin for that.
If you don't mind for using a plugin, you can try this (attached)
Edit this line in the plguin as your needs:
PHP Code:
$xt_video_fid = 2;$xt_video_limit = 5;
Edit the xt_lvop_latest_videos and/or xt_lvop_latest_videos_video template as your needs. By default, it displays the thumbnail (the image uploaded from your xtmv_thumb custom thread fields).
If you want displaying the video (more than one video), you need to edit the Display Format of your xtmv_flv custom thread fields, something like this (depends on the player you use):
<a href="{URL}" style="display:block; width:520px; height:330px" id="player_{MD5HASH}"></a>
flowplayer("player_{MD5HASH}", "{$GLOBALS['mybb']->settings['bburl']}/flowplayer/flowplayer-3.2.7.swf");
Call the flowplayer in your member_profile template (you can put it after the {$headerinclude} variable):
<script type="text/javascript" src="flowplayer/flowplayer-3.2.6.min.js"></script>
Then replace the {$GLOBALS['threadfields']['xtmv_thumb']['value']} variable with {$GLOBALS['threadfields']['xtmv_flv']['value']} in your xt_lvop_latest_videos_video template.