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Full Version: Image dimensions in X_Threads
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I am busy going through the LeeFish pages trying to optimise them a bit and I have a bit of a problem with image sizes from XThreads when used in a plugin.

The XThreads images have a nifty feature where you can set the width and height for thumbnail images without "breaking" the image proportions. I have this set up in all threads where I display XThread images (got me one point more on the page speed test Smile ) but I am unsure how to apply this image resizing feature to plugins that call the image.

Here is an example plugin query:

PHP Code:
$query = $db->query("
	SELECT a.updatetime, a.md5hash, a.uploadtime, a.aid, a.attachname, a.filename, a.field, t.*
	FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."xtattachments a
	LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t ON (t.tid=a.tid)
	WHERE t.visible=1 AND a.field='pfpic' AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%' AND t.fid IN ('".implode("','", $gallery_tid_array)."')
while($gallery = $db->fetch_array($query))
	$gallery_username = htmlspecialchars_uni($gallery['username']);
	$gallery_title = htmlspecialchars_uni($gallery['subject']);
	$gallery_postlink = get_thread_link(intval($gallery['tid']));
	$gallery_datetime = my_date($mybb->settings['dateformat'], $gallery['uploadtime']).' '.my_date($mybb->settings['timeformat'], $gallery['uploadtime']);
	$gallery_att_thumb = xthreads_get_xta_url($gallery).'/thumb160x120';

eval("\$gallery_gallery_gallery .= \"".$templates->get("gallery_gallery_gallery")."\";"

Where would I need to modify that query to be able to return the height and width? Not as fixed values as that would distort the thumb, but using the variable values as in the threadfields?

This is how I have it set up in my custom threadfields:

<a href="{URL}"><img src="{URL}/thumb160x120" alt="{$thread['subject']} Screenshot" title="{$GLOBALS['threadfields']['pfapicdesc1']}" width="{$GLOBALS['threadfields']['pfapic1']['thumbs']['160x120']['w']}" height="{$GLOBALS['threadfields']['pfapic1']['thumbs']['160x120']['h']}" style="border: 1px solid #C1C1C1; padding: 3px; margin: 3px;"  /></a>

Add "a.thumbs" to the select list, and use something like:

PHP Code:
			$gallery['thumbs'] = unserialize($gallery['thumbs']);

Hmm, Zinga, I think I may be thick - I can't work out where to put the IF statement above.......

Please can you give a slightly bigger hint?

What I have done is this:

$query = $db->query("
			SELECT a.updatetime, a.md5hash, a.thumbs, a.uploadtime, a.aid, a.attachname, a.filename, a.field, t.*
			FROM ".TABLE_PREFIX."xtattachments a
			LEFT JOIN ".TABLE_PREFIX."threads t ON (t.tid=a.tid)
			WHERE t.visible=1 AND a.field='pfpic' AND t.closed NOT LIKE 'moved|%' AND t.fid IN ('".implode("','", $gallery_tid_array)."')
			ORDER BY t.tid DESC
			LIMIT 1
		while($gallery = $db->fetch_array($query))
			$gallery_username = htmlspecialchars_uni($gallery['username']);
			$gallery_title = htmlspecialchars_uni($gallery['subject']);
			$gallery_postlink = get_thread_link(intval($gallery['tid']));
			$gallery_datetime = my_date($mybb->settings['dateformat'], $gallery['uploadtime']).' '.my_date($mybb->settings['timeformat'], $gallery['uploadtime']);
			$gallery_thumb = xthreads_get_xta_url($gallery).'/thumb160x120';	
			$gallery['thumbs'] = unserialize($gallery['thumbs']);
			eval("\$gallery_gallery_gallery .= \"".$templates->get("gallery_gallery_gallery")."\";");

My images display ok (just like they did before) but the image dimensions are not applied (i.e. when I look in page speed it still says no image dimensions specified). Do I need to change something in the HTML template?

I think you need to add the width and/or height array to the images tag (if you didn't do it).
You mean like with the Globals threadfields? Otherwise it will just deform my images....
Something like this:

<img ........ width="{$gallery['thumbs']['160x120']['w']}" height="{$gallery['thumbs']['160x120']['h']}" />

Or you can add the code in your plugin.

1,000 posts Biggrin

Yay that worked - thank you RateU.

NOW I need the stupid post icons and smilies to accept a width and height.... my post on MYBB has not really had an answer I can get to work.

What have you done with the post icons and smilies?
well, I tried changing the img src settings in /inc/functions_post.php and /inc/class_parser.php, as in this post here:

But it had no effect :/
Not quite sure, but I think there is a "dirty" way to do that (if you are OK with the dirty way).
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