I install xthread on my new forum with mybb 1.8 and i create the first field (a simple text area)
I select a forum where i would like use it but not show up.
In newthread_template i add this code and still not working:
PHP Code:
Can you help me?
(04-25-2018 12:38 AM)caygri Wrote: [ -> ]In newthread_template i add this code and still not working:
PHP Code:
The variable above for displaying the value of thread field, not for displaying the input field.
For displaying the input field manually, you can use some variables. You can read it under the
Hide Thread Field setting description.
but i want show up this textarea not hide...
(04-25-2018 04:41 PM)caygri Wrote: [ -> ]but i want show up this textarea not hide...
I know it
(04-25-2018 12:48 AM)RateU Wrote: [ -> ]For displaying the input field manually....
Also, make sure your
newthread and
editpost templates have
{$extra_threadfields} variable.
sorry i don't receive email notification forum.
Yes the variable it's on newthread and editpost.
I have some doubt..maybe xthread and
simple ckeditor are in conflicts?
If i disable ckeditor i dont see it

Do you mean if you enable the ckeditor, you see the input, but if you disable it, you don't see the input?
Also, could you post the screenshot of your threadfields settings?
No i don't see it with and without ckeditor.
with threadfield setting did you mean backend how to set up?
Yeah, your Custom Thread Field setting.
Also, could you post your newthread template?
If it is possible, create a test forum (in your localhost) with fresh MyBB installation, then install XThreads only. Does it work there?
i fix
i dont setup "everyone can edit."
thank you so much!