(01-08-2011 06:51 AM)leefish Wrote: Yes I did. I also tried moving the <!-- Forum Stickies list --> to the forumdisplay and showthread template. Not working. I think the issue (as I said earlier) is in the Global start. I am thinking that that is making the plugin make more queries than it should? Thats the bit I was thinking to do.
However, if I take the global start away and put <!-- Forum Stickies list --> in the head of the forumdisplay/showthread templates then that means an admin would need to edit the forumdisplay and showthread in two places. So in that case I leave out the template edits on the header and make it so that inserting <!-- Forum Stickies list --> on the forumdisplay and showthread is a manual action, plus inserting the variable {$xtstickies_list} on the threadlist and showthread to give a working plugin.
Are you sure when you remove the
<!-- Forum Stickies list --> text from your header template (not the global_start function, do not touch your plugin file), but leave the
{$xtstickies_list} variable in your template, the sticky threads won't be displayed?
Or maybe you've edited your plugin?