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XThreads is one of my larger plugins which I have been working on for a while.  Originally planned to release it inline with MyBB 1.6, but who knows when that'll be out.  It perhaps doesn't include everything I wanted it to, but does have most of the things (plus I want to move onto other projects).

What does it do?
Take a look at RateU's forum for some nice ideas of what it can do.  I also have some more basic examples here of what can be done with XThreads.  I'm pretty sure there are many other applications of this plugin, but those examples just give you some simple ideas.

The basic idea is giving you the ability to define custom fields for your threads, and providing methods to give you a lot of flexibility with customising forums.

Warning: I'm not going to bother with "beta" labels and so on.  I've done some testing on this myself, but it's by no means extensive.  Use this at your own risk.

Installation Instructions: standard installation procedures apply - you can find them in the announcement here.
You may need to CHMOD the uploads/xthreads_ul/ folder to 0777 after uploading the files (probably won't though).

Upgrade Instructions: unless stated otherwise, the general procedure for upgrades is to simply upload the new files, then visit your AdminCP.  In there, you'll be presented with a notice to run the upgrade - just follow what it says from there on.

Usage Instructions: this is a complex plugin, and unfortunately, you're probably going to have to figure this out yourself, depending on what you want to achieve with this plugin.  HTML and CSS knowledge is strongly recommended; you should also be familiar with MyBB's template system.  Some demonstrations can be found here - hopefully these will give you a good idea of how things work.  I suggest looking at the thread descriptions example, as this is fairly easy to understand (IMO).  If you can understand how everything works, there, perhaps try out the gallery example.

Known conflicting plugins
- MyPlaza Turbo -
If you are using MyPlaza Turbo, note that the author decided to use a particularly odd method to implement certain functionality, practically destroying compatibility with any plugin which hooks into the forum add/edit routines.  I've included a patch to address this issue - you need to replace inc/myplaza/myplaza_admin_plugin.php with the following file (it's unlikely that this will be committed as the author has decided to discontinue development)

.php  myplaza_admin_plugin.php (Size: 56.27 KB / Downloads: 2479)

- PL9 Forum Icons -
Affects certain functionality.  See here for a solution.

- PHP in Templates, v1.4 or older -
Similar to PL9 Forum Icons - solution is just to update to the latest version.

- MyAdvertisements - (update: older versions only, later versions may not conflict)
Affects some thread functionality, see here for a solution.

- Group Post CSS -
See here http://mybbhacks.zingaburga.com/showthre...http://mybbhacks.zingaburga.com/showthread.php?tid=378&pid=59

All bug reports, suggestions, criticisms are appreciated (though I may not always implement suggestions) so please feel free to post them.
If you find this plugin useful, I would be grateful if you could give some token of appreciation for the work that has gone into this, and perhaps post some example usages you've come up with in the XThreads forum to help others get an idea of what can be achieve with this plugin (and for my own interest's sake Tongue).

Github: https://github.com/zingaburga/XThreads-MyBB-Plugin
Note: do NOT use the Github version, unless you know what you're doing
Changelogs: v1.10, v1.20, v1.21, v1.22, v1.23, v1.24, v1.25, v1.26, v1.27, v1.30, v1.31, v1.32, v1.337, v1.40, v1.41, v1.42, v1.43, v1.44, v1.45, v1.46, v1.47, v1.50, v1.51, v1.52, v1.53, v1.60, v1.61, v1.62, v1.63, v1.64, v1.65, v1.66, v1.67, v1.68
(This post was last modified: 12-25-2015 12:46 PM by ZiNgA BuRgA.)
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Download: xthreads-1.68.7z (114.53 KB)
Plugin Version: 1.68
Last Updated: 12-25-2015, 12:46 PM

Downloads: 8,484
MyBB Compatibility: 1.4.x, 1.6.x, 1.8.x
Plugin License: GPLv3
Uploader: ZiNgA BuRgA
ZiNgA BuRgA Offline
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Post: #541
RE: XThreads
I imagine it should be possible either by modifying settings on-the-fly or clobbering the internal plugins list.

My Blog
04-06-2012 08:29 AM
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jim7777 Offline
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Post: #542
RE: XThreads
pshh.. i really need a hook lol imma add my own

since i need to parse the files before it is saved to the database by xthreads

where is that thing in xthreads wherein I can catch when XThreads is about parse a file and save its entry to the database
(This post was last modified: 04-06-2012 05:57 PM by jim7777.)
04-06-2012 05:06 PM
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RateU Offline
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Post: #543
RE: XThreads
I think you can find it in xt_updatehooks.php and xt_upload.php

04-07-2012 08:03 AM
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jim7777 Offline
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Post: #544
RE: XThreads
Ohh found it thanks!

Now i'm gonna make urls dynamic..
File Url isn't find anywhere? (or did i just overlooked it?)

is xthreads gonna have dynamic/expiring urls?
or something like attachments.php do.. checking permissions lol
04-08-2012 12:11 AM
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RateU Offline
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Post: #545
RE: XThreads
(04-08-2012 12:11 AM)jim7777 Wrote:  is xthreads gonna have dynamic/expiring urls?
I think we'll have the feature in the next release:
I love the feature Biggrin

04-08-2012 04:36 AM
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leefish Offline
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Post: #546
RE: XThreads
Hmm, it looks very cool, but what about image links in text and things? I have a lot of my images at a preset size in a bbcode where the image url is part of the BBCode. If the urls change dynamically would that break my images in my BBcodes?

[Image: leelink.gif]
MYBB1.6 & XThreads
04-08-2012 08:45 AM
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ZiNgA BuRgA Offline
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Post: #547
RE: XThreads
(04-08-2012 08:45 AM)leefish Wrote:  Hmm, it looks very cool, but what about image links in text and things? I have a lot of my images at a preset size in a bbcode where the image url is part of the BBCode. If the urls change dynamically would that break my images in my BBcodes?
Yes it would, which is one reason why the feature is disabled by default.

Updated to v1.50:
  • add ability to override configuration settings on a per forum basis; the "force postbit layout" and "threads per page" options have been migrated to this and the options have been removed (arguably more difficult to understand by newbies, but oh well)
  • add ability to specify custom HTML for thread field inputs
  • allow display labels to be associated with list/option/checkbox inputs' values (thanks to RateU for the idea)
  • add check for bad syntax in conditionals when setting them in the ACP (moderator tools' conditionals aren't checked yet)
  • fix paging bug on search results page (thanks to masterj for pointing out)
  • add option to expire attachment links and/or tie them to IP address ranges; enable in cache/xthreads.php (requested by Sama34)
  • add ability to override default attachment MIME types - see cache/xthreads.php for instructions on how to enable
  • fix multipage links containing filter URLs with Google SEO (thanks to glas for finding)
  • fix conflict with Add Forum Options plugin (thanks to Sama34 for pointing out)
  • add "xthreads_inputrow" class for table rows on newthread/editthread containing extra thread field inputs

The upgrader will modify your threadfields_inputrow template.

My Blog
04-09-2012 09:30 AM
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adisp007 Offline
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Post: #548
RE: XThreads
Wow,new update.
Thanks,Yumi. Smile

Best Regards,

Adi Sucipta Pratama
04-09-2012 10:25 AM
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leefish Offline
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Post: #549
RE: XThreads
Zinga - sorry to reask the question: but these dynamic urls will only affect images links where I link directly to the "real" image url rather than a specified thumbnail? Will it still show the thumbnails?

Example: {$GLOBALS['threadfields']['pfapic2']['value']}  <- That image would not be affected? pfapic is my threadfield key.

[Image: leelink.gif]
MYBB1.6 & XThreads
04-09-2012 01:56 PM
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ZiNgA BuRgA Offline
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Post: #550
RE: XThreads
Yes, if you reference the image through an XThreads function/variable, it will always work.

My Blog
04-09-2012 03:25 PM
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