(10-21-2011 03:37 PM)Sama34 Wrote: Can for example, a thread field define the thread title?
The title must be this:
Edit your templates like showthread and put the thread fields in where the title is.
(10-21-2011 03:37 PM)Sama34 Wrote: Other question, if I move a thread that was wrote in a not xthread powered subforum to one that use xthreads necessary fields, what will happen? (and vice verse)
Move thread to a forum where a field is required:
- the required field will just be blank (that is, violate the assumption of it being required); ideally the moderator who moved it should fill in the missing information
- BTW, this is the same if you add a required thread field to a forum which already has threads in it
For other move operations, all the extra thread field data remains in-tact, however they won't be
shown and appear to have been removed. For example:
Forum A has no thread fields
Forum B has field C
If you move a thread from B to A, it will look like the field C data is gone. However if you then move the thread back to forum B, the value for C will still be there.
(10-21-2011 03:37 PM)Sama34 Wrote: Another one, Im using the "MyBB Parser Options" with mycode and img activated, but in "Display Format" I write:
The Parser option
only affects the {VALUE} component (as well as {VALUE$1} type subcomponents). Thus your Display Format should be in HTML.
(10-21-2011 03:37 PM)Sama34 Wrote: Another one, when quick editing a thread, xthread fields are not show, is there a solution for this?
It won't do that, just like you can't edit title, attachments, posting options etc from the quick edit box, unfortunately.